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  • Hayley Samford

How COVID Forced the Legal Field to Innovate

We are now a couple of years out from the shut down caused by COVID. Many people are surprised that the legal system never really shut down. People continued to get divorced, break the law, and need contracts and child support. In some ways, lawyers became busier during COVID as people wanted to get their affairs in order and they began dealing with situations that they had been putting off, such as the aging of their parents, dealing with an unhappy home situation, or doing work on their homes.

The main thing that the legal system learned is that there is no need for everything to take place in person! We know, it took a little longer in our field than in others. Video hearings are cheaper and easier for everyone! Even after COVID, the rise of such forms of meetings, hearings and events continue.

What this means for us in Central Kansas and for Morrical Legal Services, P.A. with a regional practice is that it no longer costs clients for 2.5 hours of attorney time for a 15 minute hearing. It also means that clients do not have to take an afternoon off of work for a meeting with their attorney. It can be scheduled over break time or other convenient time.

COVID also increased the rise of other electronic tools such as on line payments. You can now pay your bill with Morrical Legal Services, P.A. on line through our link or electronic statement, or via VENMO.

We will continue to work to make quality legal services both available to persons outside of the Salina area and as cost effective as possible. We love trying new technology and innovating in a field that isn't known for its modernity.

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